Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Scissorhands" postcards

Postcards! Finished pieces are 11x14cm. They had to be inspired by a film of our choice. I chose "Edward Scissorhands", one of my favourite films. The first and third ones were done using spray paint and stencil techniques, the second and fourth ones were done using traditional ink, pen and pencil. And yes, after doing the second one, it will be quite some time before I'll want to draw another pair of scissors.


  1. Nice work, Peter! The rejuvenation project is a good idea - it gives better insight into your work, and into your thought process. I think you've struck *just* the right tone - casual, conversational, and the reader gets an idea of what is driving you. Your admission about perfection puts into words what I've heard students say in the past, and how it can be debilitating. What's the old saying? Practice makes perfect? When the penny drops and we realize that any type of creative endeavour is a PROCESS, we can relax within that process and really begin to enjoy creating. THAT is where the nectar is.

  2. they are looking deadly Peter!
    especially the first one really pops out it looks 3d!
